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What is Model Learning?

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Model learning is the term introduced by Albert Bandura for a cognitive learning process that occurs when an individual, as a result of observing the behaviour of other individuals and the subsequent consequences, acquires new… What is Model Learning?

General study and exam tips

Schedule fixed study times If possible, learn at the same time of day, with a limited duration and sufficient breaks. This leads to a learning structure, comparable to a timetable, which promotes an “inner” readiness… General study and exam tips

How adults should learn

Compared to children, adults find it harder to process new information quickly, but learning techniques from their school days are of little help. Many automatically fall back on the learning techniques they remember from their… How adults should learn

The breathing

Research has shown that conscious breathing in the resonant frequency has measurable effects. Moods improve, anxiety decreases. Athletes also use this exercise. One study showed that basketball players who practised resonant breathing for ten days… The breathing