Memory problems can also be caused by serious illnesses, including dementia, depression and some neurological diseases. You should consult a doctor if you notice any of the following warning signs: Forgetting recent events more and more often, asking the same question over and over again or telling the same story over and over again, or habitual activities such as making bank transfers or using a smartphone becoming a problem.
The sooner the cause of such problems is identified, the sooner therapy can be started if necessary. Sometimes memory exercises for everyday life, such as brain jogging, also help to keep the memory going. The following exercises are easy to incorporate into everyday life: Memorise the shopping list, i.e. learn the shopping list by heart, or at least parts of it, depending on the desired level of difficulty. At the end of the supermarket round, you can check what is still missing from the shopping trolley. You can also count everyday objects, such as how many lampposts, bicycles or red cars you encounter on your way to work, to the supermarket or on a walk. Crosswords, Sudoku puzzles, memory and jigsaw puzzles are also helpful brain exercises.