Teachers now do much more than what they are actually trained for, because a large part of their working time is taken up by non-educational activities, from IT and administrative tasks to organising the next class trip. For many tasks at school, there are long established job descriptions: Social pedagogues or inclusion assistants, educators or psychologists. They have become necessary due to increasingly heterogeneous classes, all-day schools or the consequences of Corona. However, most public schools have too few such staff, as a survey of school administrators has shown, i.e. more than half of the schools have just a handful of specialists who work in a pedagogical, counselling or therapeutic capacity. The organisational structures are similarly thin, with only about one in ten schools having an IT specialist, six percent of schools have a management board, and five percent have an additional administrative assistant. In Australia, New Zealand or Canada, but also in Finland or Estonia, there are already completely different job descriptions, with the educational technologist, for example, working at the interface of pedagogy and IT, being familiar with digital tools that support teaching and learning, and conducting in-service training for teachers within the school. The teacher librarian is a teacher and librarian in one, supervises students’ project work and teaches them media and resource skills in the school library. In the USA, large schools have professional advisors for college studies (college advisors) or career choices (career coaches).