Calm down by taking breaks
Waiting times in the supermarket or at the tram or bus stop should be used as real breaks, i.e. leave your smartphone in your pocket and look around in peace. Maybe look at the people… Calm down by taking breaks
Waiting times in the supermarket or at the tram or bus stop should be used as real breaks, i.e. leave your smartphone in your pocket and look around in peace. Maybe look at the people… Calm down by taking breaks
Towards the end of the learning process, it is important to reduce and keep the most important things in mind. Many learning contents do not need to be repeated once they have been grasped. We… The last few meters of learning: Reduce and keep the most important things in mind
Overcome your fears Never give up! Learn a new language Get up early Have a morning & evening ritual Create your life vision Get yourself a notebook Read daily Start jogging Help others Break negative… 99 tips for a better life
The age-related decline in memory performance is a well-known phenomenon that has been confirmed in numerous studies, but new findings on individual differences in cognitive ageing now show that the personality trait openness to experience… Openness to experience is a key to positive cognitive ageing
From a psychological point of view, discipline belongs to the executive functions and arises mainly in the prefrontal structures of the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain also has other… Discipline is not just a question of willpower
One of the Hawaiian principles for a happy life is humility, which is based on the fact that you can never know everything. According to this principle, you always assume that someone else knows more… Act, don’t react
Parents were very critical If your parents criticized you a lot as a child, for example if you didn’t bring home an A, it could be that you struggle with strong self-criticism and people-pleasing today.… How parents still influence their children as adults
Regular sleep-wake rhythm: Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. A consistent sleep rhythm helps your body prepare for sleep and makes it easier to… Tips for healthy sleep
The sense of smell is the oldest of all the senses, because even single-celled organisms have sensors for chemical stimuli and respond to them. It is assumed that the brain region responsible for long-term memory… Scents improve memory performance
Teachers now do much more than what they are actually trained for, because a large part of their working time is taken up by non-educational activities, from IT and administrative tasks to organising the next… The school needs additional staff besides teachers