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How memory can be trained in everyday life

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A decline in memory performance with increasing age is normal. However, there are numerous simple tricks that can be used in everyday life to counteract this development. A small selection:

  • Be more mindful: Those who can rarely remember new names do not necessarily have poor memory. Often it is merely due to distraction or inattention. Experts recommend focusing on something visual, such as a person’s face or clothing, and mentally linking this image to the name.
  • Looking for challenges: Setting yourself small memory tasks can be easily integrated into everyday life. When shopping, for example, the prepared shopping list remains in the bag and is only consulted at the very end.
  • Memory training as in a game: It is well known that intellectually demanding games such as chess are good for memory. But many simpler games also challenge our memory – experts recommend taking time to play them regularly.
  • Reading novels: Immersing yourself in fictional situations is not only entertaining, but also stimulates your memory. Reading can be combined with simple memory tasks, such as listing all the new characters at the end of each chapter.