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The central features of learning from a psychological perspective

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Learning is a process that results in a relatively consistent change in behaviour or behavioural potential, and is based on experience. Learning can be recognised by the fact that it brings about a change in behaviour or behavioural repertoire, which may be visible externally, in the form of a performance achieved, but is not identical with it. A changed attitude towards a certain object or its expanded understanding also leads to a change in behavioural potential and can then show itself immediately or at a later point in time in a changed behaviour. The change in behaviour must also be relatively consistent and sustainable in order to be considered learned, because if someone has learned to ride a bicycle, for example, he or she will probably not forget this even after a longer break, or it should be easy for him or her to show this specific behaviour again after some practice. Learning is ultimately a process that is based on one’s own experience, in which one can absorb, evaluate, transform and react to information with the aim of influencing or adapting to the environment.