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Practice Firm

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This is a lesson plan for teaching CLIL in a practice firm.

African Spirit – a practice firm of the commercial high school BHAK Perg – took part in a procedure for achieving the certificate “Qualitätsmarke ÜFA” – a certificate indicating the quality of work throughout the school year. The entire documentation was handed in to a jury.

The students have achieved many goals during the past months. But there are always chances for improvement, e.g. office organization.

Here are assignments for the next lessons:

  • Clear and tidy up folders – especially on the computer
  • Create a clear structure for each department, so everybody can find documents easily. Eliminate incomplete files and also documents that have become obsolete.
  • Write a report on the tasks you have carried out and completed successfully during the past months
  • Create a table of your achievements
  • State what you have learned. Which areas can be improved?
  • Collect information about the Management Model St. Gallen and prepare a presentation.
  • Additionally create a handout containing the most important facts of that model. How can the Management Model St. Gallen be applied to and implemented in our practice firm?
  • The first part of the presentation should include posters introducing the practice firm African Spirit

Doing this requires vocabulary and phrases concerning a company presentation.


  • The students may use graphs to visualize the development of the company. bar charts, pie charts
  • They created a catalogue for demonstration of products
  • They may present African Spirit’s mission statements.

You can find the above mentioned terms in bold letters and their German translation together with hundreds of other terms and essentials phrases on the Business English Posters of Rana Lernverlag