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1. People don’t remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel.
2. If you smile as broadly as you can, you’ll feel happier on your own.
3. The key to self-confidence is to walk into a room and assume that everyone in it likes you.
4. If you have a warm hand when you shake someone’s hands, they will immediately perceive you as a much more sociable person.
5. If someone annoys you, stay calm, even if it upsets them even more, they will have a guilty conscience afterwards.
6. Address people you have just met by their name. People like to be addressed by their name so that they quickly develop trust in you.
7. People have a certain image of themselves and will defend it with all their might. So be careful: you can turn people against you by attacking their self-image.
8. If you are really looking forward to meeting certain people, they will often be pleased to see you.
9. Always give your child a choice so that they feel in control of the situation. For example, if you want them to put on their shoes, say, “Do you want to put on the red shoes or the green shoes?”
10. People are more likely to do something for you if you ask them to do something easier first (foot-in-the-door phenomenon)
11. As an alternative to the above, you can also ask someone to do an impossible thing, which they will deny. If you then ask him for the thing you actually wanted, he will be much more likely to agree.
12. If you learn something new, teach it to a friend. If you can teach it to someone, then you have understood it.